Sunday, February 15, 2009


I was thinking about how much I agree with Kristin about not wanting to forget anything. Not wanting to forget what it feels like to be a momma, to be at home with two kids under three. I tell myself often that this season won't last long and one day I'll be looking back wishing for these days of chaos. I know that's true and try to live my life that way.

Scrapbooking is the way I choose to remember. Keeping up with a scrapbook of Norah's first year and our Life book is challenging but worth it. Already, Luke enjoys looking through it and talking about things he's seen and places we've gone.

Even though Norah's firsts aren't my firsts, they are hers and they are all of ours as a family. Showing Luke how to celebrate with her and encourage her and let her learn on her own is a first. And celebrating with her is as exciting as when Luke first rolled over or got a tooth or took his first steps. Also, Luke is still having his own firsts so those are exciting.

Mom talks about lasts a lot. Like how you don't always know when a last has happened til it's too late. I try to watch for those too:)