Friday, July 4, 2008

A Lesson on Living

This week I made plans to bring the kids and visit my parents. It's usually a pretty relaxing time and I want my kids to know their Pa & Mema even though they live 3 hours away. The day after Mom and I made plans, she called to tell me that my neighbor from childhood, Roy, passed away. He was 90 and had lived a great long life. He and his wife Bernice (whom he's standing behind in the pic) lived next door when we were little and were just like grandparents to us. In the past few years they've made the effort to come to our wedding and baby showers. That meant a lot to us.
I think that God uses death to remind us of what's important in life. Last night Bernice and her son & daughter-in-law were over visiting. We all sat around reminiscing. Not over Roy's bank account or what kind of car he drove. But of how he treated people, the impact he had on people just by his kind behavior, the way he taught by his actions not just words. We shared stories of the time we spent with him, conversations we had with him.
So here's to not putting so much thought into replacing my ugly kitchen floor or landscaping our yard. Here's to making time and people count. That means that marathons of Settlers of Catan games ARE important. And morning walks with friends. And time spent scrapbooking and chatting. And meals shared among friends. And days spent at Mom & Dad's to just be together. Harley rides and frisbee golf. At least that's what I'm reminded of when I think of a certain neighbor and the Pepsi breaks he shared with the little girl next door.
This is what life is made of and what we remember, so let's make it count.


Unknown said...

Good thoughts! And you know I'm happy to share in marathon Setters games and morning walks. :) I'm glad you got that time to visit on your trip to Effingham this time.

Holly said...

I really enjoyed how you wrote this - got me thinking more about funerals and life and the things that do really matter in life.