Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Your brother, your biggest fan

Dear Norah,
We had the sweetest moment the other day. Your brother and I were in the kitchen getting something to eat, and when I looked in the living room to check on you on the floor, I found you a different way than I'd left you. You'd rolled over!
I immediately started cheering and looked over to see your brother clapping and cheering too. As you struggled to roll over again, getting stuck on your arm, I had to hold Luke on my lap so he wouldn't help you and you could learn to do it yourself. He was genuinely excited for you. What a sweet brother you have! I hope you are each other's biggest fans.


Holly said...

This brought tears to me eyes - it's so incredibly sweet. When I was little I always wanted a big brother and I think Luke will be Norah's perfect big brother. I remember the first time I met him, thinking he was so sweet and caring toward the other kids. He's a gem.

Unknown said...

Very, very sweet words + picture.

Tuck Times Two said...

She is so lucky to have a big brother. All you girls with sisters don't understand, but, being the little sister has so many benefits... She will always look up to him. She will definitely love him in about 15 years when his really cute friends come around, but I won't make you think of that right now.

Miss you and love you bunches!! She is growing up before our very digital eyes. I love the blog...