I feel like it's been way too long since I've blogged. Life has been happening and time seems to be flying faster than usual. I often get a panicky feeling of time passing too quickly at the New Year. We've been spending time with friends and family, Bryan's been working a lot, and I've been working, managing the house and taking care of the kids.
Luke and Norah seem to get along most of the time and I enjoy that. Luke is pretty much potty-trained and that is awesome!!! He's a big boy about going to the bathroom himself. Sometimes he has to be talked out of a corner, but he usually gets the main work done in the potty and that's all that matters to me! His sister must've been making mental notes the last year. Of her few words, she says "My pee" while holding her crotch. Sure enough, she wants to go try to use the potty. Girls amaze me in this way! So we're working on that with her.
Norah's vocabulary is growing every day. She's always managed to get her point across but now she's using words and phrases more and babbling too. Pretty new to this month is the singing and dancing around the house. I don't know what she's singing but she sure does.
Bryan was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism several weeks ago so he is taking medicine to help with that. Slowly but surely it's working we think.
Luke continues to crack me up with his observations about life. Today he came out with his underwear on inside out and backwards and his t-shirt tucked into it and said he was having issues. Yep, I think he was:) He talks just about constantly and changes subjects so fast it's hard to keep up.
I am trying to finish up my master's portfolio this month and then I will have earned my master's for May graduation. Yaaaaay!
Just wanted you to know I hadn't fallen off the face of the earth:)